
Grievance & Anti Ragging Cell

e-Grievance Portal


The Modern Education Society, Pune was established on 15th February, 1932, to meet the demand for education by the residents of the eastern part of the city of Poona. The efforts of its founder, Prin. V. K. Joag, and of the Wadia brothers, Sir Cusrow Wadia and Sir Ness Wadia,

The Modern Education Society came into being as a regular registered Educational Society formally at a meeting of its founder members at the Cowasjee Dinshaw Library Hall.

True to Its credo 'For the Spread of Light', the Society pioneered efforts to open the portals of higher education to the residents of eastern parts of Pune and pursued them tirelessly through the last eighty resplendent years. The Society today has seven institutions in the bustling cities of Pune and Mumbai. Over the years, they have become the first choice to acquire an all-round quality education for many promising young men and women all over the country and abroad.

e-Grievance Portal

  • Vishaka-Guidelines CCSH GOI Instructions Download
Sr. NoNameDesignation
1Dr. Anand B. DadasDirector
2Dr. Anuradha DandnaikMember
3Dr. Vikas DoleMember


In accordance with the Provision of the Maharashtra Prohibition of Ragging Act 1999 (with effect from 15th May 1999) ragging within or outside any educational institution is strictly Prohibited. Any student found involved in it shall be dismissed from the institution with immediate effect and such student shall not be admitted in any other educational institution for the period of five years from the date of order of such dismissal. Ragging is punishable with imprisonment for a term up to 2 years.

e-Grievance Portal

1Dr. Anand B. DadasDirector
2Prof. Jamshed N. DarashaCoordinator
3Dr. Anuradha DandnaikMember
4Dr. Vikas DoleMember
5Mr. Vinod LalbegMember
6Mr. Vincent KedariMember

Composition of Internal Complaint Committee

Sr. NoNameDesignationContact Details
1Dr. Anuradha D.Presiding Officer9850545859, anuradha.dandnaik@nevillewadia.com
2Dr. Karuna JadhavTeaching Representative9823438978, karuna.jadhav@nevillewadia.com
3Dr. Vikas DoleTeaching Representative9764823924, vikas.dole@nevillewadia.com
4Mr. Mahesh NigadeNon-Teaching Representative8055358357, Mahesh.nigde@nevillewadia.com
5Mrs. Archana MoreNon-Teaching Representative9850728678, archana.more@nevillewadia.com
6Ms. Trishala GawandeStudent Representative7083194725, nainwaltrishala@gmail.com
7Mr. Yash ChavanStudent Representative8975274240, yashchavan2403@gmail.com
8Mr. Gaurao DasarkarStudent Representative9552591610, gauraodasarkar0507@gmail.com
9Mrs. Mrudula IngaleExternal Member8888880562, mrudulaingale@gmail.com