We at Neville Wadia Institute of Management Studies and Research are striving towards creating an ecosystem which evaluates factual understanding, conceptual understanding and global understanding of prescribed syllabus and designed curriculum. Examination system is not merely test of knowledge but it evaluates persistent and consistent quality of an individual. It tests the attitude of an individual in extreme pressure. The Exam Cell has sensitized all its teachers to design the evaluation system such that it should examine individual’s desire to learn, desire to explore, desire to investigate and desire to apply learning in real life situation. Different Assessment strategies are used to ensures implementation of quality teaching- learning process. The standard examination system ensures quality assessment and evaluation of teaching and learning in an academic session. Examination Cell has developed a solid system to conduct a fair and standard assessment process in the Institute.
Prepare precise and lucid instructions regarding (a) pattern of question paper (b) types of questions (c) rational marks allotted to different types of questions (d) language of instruction etc.
Giving advanced circular to the faculties duly signed by the director regarding submitting question paper, mark sheet on time and any other required documents.
Ensuring preparation of question paper i.e. final print out before 48 hours. Preparation of standard question paper subject wise according to guidelines given by the director. Question paper should be in proper format. Grammatical mistakes should not be there in question paper. Question paper must not exceed or less than the prescribed marks for the particular examination.
Preparation of examination like ensuring necessary items to conduct examination i.e. question paper, answer sheets, mark sheets, thread and other stationary items. Give advance requirement to the administrative officer.
Time-table: Making examination time table with the consent from the director.
Duty charge: Prepare examination duty charts for the teaching and non-teaching staff.
Records keeping: Keeping records of all the examination held in the institute in form of hard copy.
Scheduling and preparing internal and external viva-voce for Summer Internship Projects.
Allotting subjects in the SPPU Internal Examination Inward System and monitoring the uploading of internal marks by the faculties which are pre-approved by the director.
A Comprehensive Internal Assessment with a focus on Group Projects, PPT Presentations, On-site Field Assignment in the Market, Quizzes, Group Assignment, Video Reviews, Viva-voce, Open Book test as some of the tools for the examination.
Sr. No. | Name of the Members | Designation |
1 | Dr. Anand B. Dadas | Chairperson, Director |
2 | Prof. Jamshed Darasha | College Examination Officer, Asst. Prof., |
3 | Dr. Anuradha Dandnaik | Member - IQAC Coordinator, Professor |
4 | Dr. Vikas Dole | Member, Asso. Prof. |
5 | Dr. Radha Louis | Member, Asso. Prof. |
6 | Prof. Vinod Lalbeg | Member, Asst. Prof. |
7 | Mr. Mahesh Nigade | Member, Office Superintendent |